“Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.”
The Serenity Prayer is so much easier to say than to live. I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who finds it harder to actually practice.
Sometimes I don’t have the serenity to accept the things I can’t change. Not accepting what I can’t change brings stress and frustration into my life. Sometimes I don’t have the serenity to let go of people who can’t or won’t change or worse yet people who hurt me. Sometimes I don’t have serenity when people do things in the church that I don’t understand or have any control over. Sometimes I get myself in a “tizzy”. People come and people go for their own reasons. Often times their reasons are beyond my control. And so, I have to sit back and pray for serenity for things and people I can’t change or have any influence over. How much serenity is in your life? Be honest.
Then again, too often I don’t have the courage to change the things I can or should try to change either. I’m tempted to let things go that I should confront or try to change because I don’t always have the courage to take on the fight or confront the wrong and take the stand I thought was right. Sometimes when I think trying to change something or someone is going to be like hitting my head on a brick wall I might be tempted to lack the courage to take it on. I don’t think that happens all that often with me. Then again maybe I fool myself thinking I am more courageous than I am. For the most part I’ve taken the stances I should have, and I haven’t been afraid to speak out, but it does come at a high price internally for me. How courageous are you? Be honest about it.
Finally, having the wisdom to know the difference between what I can change and what I can’t change has taken years and years to acquire. Not knowing the difference means that sometimes I’ve been like Don Quixote and tilted against windmills. Too often, I lack the wisdom to know that some people’s minds just can’t be changed, or people are going to do what they’re going to do. As I age and a greater sense of peace comes upon me I’m getting better at it. Recently, I had a tussle with Facebook and their so-called “Fact Checkers” and I took them on when I knew it was a waste of my time. I have to admit I did have fun poking the bear but still all in all it wasn’t a wise use of my time. How wise are you? Be honest about it.
How about you? Take a look at how you manage to live out the wisdom, courage, and serenity of the Serenity Prayer. Have a nice day!