Get Connected
Welcome to Aspen Hill Christian Church! We hope you will join us for our Sunday morning worship service and education, fellowship, and community service events that take place each month. Opportunities to get to know our church members and friends and to study, work, and serve together with them are described on these pages.
Bob Chance, Senior Minister
News and Events
You’re invited to share the love and hospitality of Aspen Hill Christian Church through the programs and activities described here. Our outreach efforts that support needs in our community, our church fellowship events, and our worship services all take place in a loving and spiritual environment.
AHCC Community Outreach Activities
The Outreach ministry of Aspen Hill Christian Church provides a wide variety of community support throughout the year including fully stocked back to school backpacks, Thanksgiving baskets, and Christmas toys for local children in need. Our food pantry is stocked with plenty of non-perishable items, and we have been able to help several families with food. If you need assistance or wish to donate to the food pantry, please contact the church office.
Church Fellowship Hour after our Sunday Worship Services
We have restarted our Fellowship Period following Worship so please sign up and bring in pre-wrapped items like cookies or chips and sealed drink boxes. With the pandemic still going on, we have to be extra careful about food so please sponsor a Fellowship Period and make it as special as you can.
Flowers for Church Services
If you would like to provide flowers for our church services one Sunday, please use our AHCC Church Flower Orders form or one of the other options listed on the form.
Our Ministries
Worship is the ministry that provides lay support to the Pastor for the programs that deepen the spiritual life of people through weekly worship services and seasonal worship opportunities. Our Worship ministries include …
- Inspiring Christ-centered Sunday morning worship at 11:00 a.m.
- Chancel Choir (Currently on hold due to COVID restrictions)
- Advent, Lent, Easter, Thanksgiving, and Christmas Services and special seasonal events
Christian Education
Christian Education is the ministry of teaching the love and joy of Jesus Christ to both children and adults. Some of the ministries that are part of our Christian Education program are…
- Adult Sunday School 10:00 a.m. every Sunday (Sept-June)
- Sunday School for children
- Pastor’s Class for youth at the age of candidacy for baptism
- Summer Camps & Conferences – All ages
Christian Fellowship is the ministry that develops programs that nurture people into and within the Christian community. Our Fellowship ministries include …
- Sunday morning fellowship hour
- Church Picnics
- Spring & Fall Camping Retreats
- Annual retreat at Bethany Beach
- Family & Individual Dinners & Events
Membership & Evangelism
The Membership and Evangelism Ministry develops and supports programs to help recruit and assimilate new members and nurture all members in the life of the church. Some of the ministries that are part of our Membership and Evangelism program are …
- Shepherds program to support members
- Disciples Class quarterly
- Pastor’s Class during Lent
- Monthly name tag Sunday
- Team Galilee to ensure that visitors are welcomed
- Personal evangelism encouraged each week
- Week of Compassion, Pentecost, and One Offering special outreach offerings
- Food Closet
- Christ Center Refugee Program
- Souper Bowl for Manna Food Kitchen
- Thanksgiving Baskets for families in the community
- Backpacks for Kids Program
- Community Outreach Ministries support, including Community Ministries of Montgomery County, Shepherd’s Table, and Good News Mission
- Food, clothing, and toy collections for local families
The Property Ministry is responsible for providing the care and maintenance of the building and grounds in order to facilitate and support the core ministries of the church. Property activities include …
- Carpenter’s Club meets monthly to share in maintenance tasks
- Coordination of events, groups, and individuals to support work at the church, including landscaping, snow removal, and supplies
Stewardship is responsible for planning programs that facilitate the development of Christian stewardship among the members and friends of the church. Stewardship activities include …
- Annual Every Member Commitment Drive
- Giving Tree Advent program
- Spring Special Project giving opportunity
- Fundraisers such as Mulch and Fruit sales
Groups and Activities
Carpenter’s Club
The Carpenter’s Club is a group of men that meets monthly to share in ongoing maintenance tasks around the church. Currently the Carpenter’s Club meets on the 3rd Tuesday of each month. See Jeff or Dr. Bob if you would like to join this fun and helpful “working group”! All talents welcome.
Sam’s Club
Sam’s Club is our senior citizens group. They meet monthly and have special outings designed for fun and enjoyment as well as sharing in outreach projects for those in need.
St. Paul’s Ministry
The St. Paul’s Ministry is our prayer and care ministry of the Elders and Deacons. Every family in the church, including the minister and family, receive a current elder or deacon who prays for them, looks after them and alerts the minister if there is a problem or special need in the family.
Outreach Ministries
Our church engages in year round outreach ministries which carry out the Lord’s call to “care for the least of these”. Our many projects include providing suppers to a local men’s shelter, providing Refugee Ministry support through the Christ Center, providing local families with meals and care assistance during Christmas, Easter and other special seasons of the year, assembling back packs for kids going back to school, contributions to local area outreach centers such as Shepherd’s Table, Manna and the Good News Mission.