

Our Mission is to be a Faithful Church Where People Experience, Cultivate, and Share The Love of God

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13501 Georgia Avenue, Aspen Hill, Maryland 20906 | 301-871-7222


We hope these pages will provide you with an overview about who we are and what God is doing with us in His ministry.  We hope the information provided will lead you to want to learn more about us. Click on the links below for more information. We invite you to one of our services or special gatherings described on any of these pages.

 God’s blessings to you on your journey, Bob Chance, Senior Minister

Who We Are

Aspen Hill Christian Church is a congregation within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Our compelling mission is to be a bold and energetic church in which people will

>> Experience,

>> Cultivate, and

>> Share the love of God.

The keys to our vision are …

Our people – Our people are dedicated, talented, diverse, creative and energetic.

Our leaders – We have a talented and gifted ministry, both lay and clergy.

Our size – We are a middle-sized congregation committed to continued growth. We are large enough to provide a variety of quality programs and resources and yet small enough to provide personal care and attention to everyone.

The arena for our ministry …

Our church – Our church is a racially, socially, and theologically diverse community of faith. We are all called as people who need our hurts healed and our hopes reaffirmed.

Our neighborhood – Our neighborhood is a changing, growing, multi-cultural, exciting place to live and work. We see our neighborhood as a dynamic place filled with opportunity to minister in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ.

Our world – Ministry begins in our community and extends into all the world.

These concepts are the heart of the vision that follows. We invite you to share in this exciting call to the 21st Century Ministry with us!

The Role of Aspen Hill Christian Church . . .

  • Proclaim the Christian Faith to a people who are hungry and in need of the Gospel.
  • Teach the great traditions and theology of a faithful church.
  • Provide care and support for people who share the needs of God’s children.
  • Create and enhance Christian community in a society in which true community is often neglected.
  • Provide a spiritual home where people may grow in the spirit of Jesus Christ.

What We Believe

  • Open Communion: The Lord’s Supper, or Communion, is celebrated weekly in worship and is open to all who believe in Jesus Christ.
  • The Oneness of the Church: All Christians are called to be one in Christ and to seek opportunities for common witness and service.
  • Freedom of Belief: As Disciples, we are called to gather around two essentials of faith: a belief in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior and a belief that Christians are free to follow their conscience guided by Bible study, the Holy Spirit and prayer. We are expected to extend that freedom to others.
  • Baptism by Immersion: In baptism, the old self-centered life is set aside, washed away and a new life of trust in God begins. Although Disciples practice baptism by immersion, other baptism traditions are honored.
  • The Ministry of Believers: Both ministers and lay persons lead in worship, service and spiritual growth.

And above all this, Disciples believe that Jesus Christ is the son of the living God, who offers saving grace to all who seek it through His Son.


What To Expect

Aspen Hill Christian Church is a congregation within the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) denomination. Our compelling mission is to be a bold and energetic church where people will experience, cultivate, and share the love of God.

What happens on Sunday morning?

  • Each Sunday morning you’ll find a diverse group of friendly people gathering for a combination of worship, fellowship, and study.
  • For many, the morning begins with coffee and light refreshments in our Fellowship Hall around 9:45 am and our Adult Sunday School class at 10:00 am.
  • At 11:00 am everyone gathers in the sanctuary for our morning worship service.
  • If you prefer, you are welcome to arrive around this time for the worship service. Just come in the front door and you’ll see the sanctuary to your left.
  • Following our Informal Moments during the service, we have Children’s Sunday School over in the Fellowship  Hall.
  • Following the service, there is always a time of Fellowship where we share light refreshments and coffee and juice. Just head to the Fellowship Hall (which is to your left after you come out of the sanctuary) and join our members and friends in a casual setting.
  • Often there are other events after the service, such as groups working on service projects or fellowship lunches.

What is our Worship Service like?

  • The service begins with hymns, a Call To Worship, and an invocation, followed by a time for informal sharing and prayer requests. Other highlights of the service include scripture readings, the choir anthem and collection of the offering.
  • Like other Disciples of Christ churches, we have communion every Sunday. All those who believe in Jesus Christ are welcome to participate.
  • The Word is shared each Sunday in the form of a sermon by our minister. These messages offer wonderful life lessons based on Biblical scriptures, life examples, and engaging stories.
  • The style is informal, and the congregation is very engaged.
  • There is a great deal of flexibility in the service, and there are often special events during our regular Sunday services such as stories for the children, sing-alongs, baptisms, and baby dedications.
  • We also have a number of services dedicated to specific areas. Of course this includes Easter and Christmas, but we also celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day and each fall we have an “All Saints Sunday” to remember loved ones who passed away during the past year.

What Should I Wear?

  • Wondering how people dress for worship here? It ranges from casual to traditional. No dress codes! Just a common interest in worshipping God and serving the community.

We would love for you to join us to share in worship and service to the Lord. Come this Sunday!

We can’t promise you will love our service but we can promise you will be welcomed to a warm, bible centered, worship service that is uplifting and centered on the love and joy of being a part of the people of God.

We like to say “not the only Christians but Christians only”.

Here is some additional background information to help you understand our congregation.

The keys to our vision are …

  • Our people – Our people are dedicated, talented, diverse, creative and energetic.
  • Our leaders – We have a talented and gifted ministry, both lay and clergy.
  • Our size – We are a middle-sized congregation committed to continued growth. We are large enough to provide a variety of quality programs and resources and yet small enough to provide personal care and attention to everyone.

The arena for our ministry includes …

  • Our church – Our church is a racially, socially, and theologically diverse community of faith. We are all called as people who need our hurts healed and our hopes reaffirmed.
  • Our neighborhood – Our neighborhood is a changing, growing, multi-cultural, exciting place to live and work. We see our neighborhood as a dynamic place filled with opportunity to minister in the name and spirit of Jesus Christ.
  • Our world – Ministry begins in our community and extends into all the world.

The Role of Aspen Hill Christian Church is to . . .

  • Proclaim the Christian faith to a people who are hungry and in need of the Gospel.
  • Teach the great traditions and theology of a faithful church.
  • Provide care and support for people who share the needs of God’s children.
  • Create and enhance Christian community in a society in which true community is often neglected.
  • Provide a spiritual home where people may grow in the spirit of Jesus Christ.





Meet Our Staff

Senior Minister … Dr. Robert Chance

Dr. Chance has been our Senior Minister since 1973. His undergraduate degree is from the University of Maryland in Business and Public Administration. He earned a Doctorate of Ministry in 1972 from Lexington Theological Seminary in Lexington, Kentucky. Since earning his doctorate Dr. Chance has undertaken continuing education programs in a variety of fields. He has a great fondness and skill for Organizational Development and Group Dynamics. Dr. Chance is a certified trainer in LIFO, and leads workshops and programs for other congregations and organizations. He has completed six units of Clinical Pastoral Education and is a trained counselor. He has served churches in Kentucky, Georgia and Maryland. Dr. Chance served as a Chaplain (COL) in the Army National Guard for over 30 years before retiring from the U.S. Army National Guard in May of 2007. Dr. and Mrs. Chance are the proud parents of three children and eight grandchildren, all living in the area. He enjoys sports, outdoor activities, hiking, camping and owns and rides his Harley Davidson Electra Glide. Dr. Chance also delights in working on his antique, “almost restored” 1949 Chevrolet Pickup truck.


Administrative Assistant/Bookkeeper

We are in the process of filling this position. We’ll keep you posted!


Music Director … Mr. Jon Gilbertson

Jon Gilbertson is our Music Director. He lives in the Wheaton area and brings tremendous musical talents to the church. Jon Gilbertson is an accomplished organist/pianist and has a rich tenor voice. In addition to his ministry with our church, Jon provides private music lessons for people desiring to develop their voices.  If you have ever wanted voice lessons Jon is one of the best teachers in the area.




Custodian … Mrs. Shirley Hopkins

Mrs. Hopkins lives in nearby Washington, D.C. and provides wonderful janitorial services for us. She and her lovely family have served with the church for many years. While her ministry is unseen and behind the scenes, it is essential to the overall ministry of the church. We’re glad Shirley and her family are here!





Maintenance Assistant … Mr. Tim Barnes

Tim Barnes is our part time maintenance assistant. Tim works full time in a local High School and comes in one morning a week to help with janitorial and maintenance items that crop up around the church. Tim lives in Wheaton and is a wonderful addition to our staff and a real help with ongoing maintenance tasks

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